Could You Be Replaced By An App? – Part 1

Kirkpatrick Quick Tip Vol. 2 #20

The role of training professionals has changed as technology has advanced. 15 years ago it may have been enough to deliver a great training class. If that’s all you do these days, however, you are in danger of being replaced by a smart phone app that can do the same thing on demand, for little or no money.

What can training professionals do to protect their organizational role? Training professionals need to approach their job as if they are civil engineers. Civil engineers design, construct and maintain access to the natural environment with roads, bridges and buildings. In a similar way, training professionals need to design, build and monitor “roads and bridges” into the job environment before, during and after training.

This Kirkpatrick Quick Tip series will provide practical ideas to extend your influence beyond the classroom and into the work environment. The first step is to build a strategic “bridge” between training and stakeholders or sponsors. Get involved in the on-the-job environment and become part of conversations about business needs. Avoid receiving “training requests”; instead be part of the team that maximizes on-the-job performance.
Additional resources:

Training on Trial

Kirkpatrick Business Partnership Certificate Program

Kirkpatrick Four Levels™ Evaluation Certificate Program

Kirkpatrick Four Levels™ Evaluation Certification Program – Bronze Level

The Brunei Window Washer: Bringing Business Partnership to Life

Training on Trial Workshop