Leave the Vanishing Act to the Magicians: “Jimisms” #2

Last week, we kicked off our newest quick tip series with the first “Jimism.”
This week, I’ll explain why it’s best for trainers not to try any magic tricks after their training programs.
Do you want your training programs to impact your organization’s highest-level goals? Then I highly recommend adding the phrase “You haven’t seen the last of me” to your training vocabulary. This notion has everything to do with follow-up. It is the statement you should make after explaining that training is just the start of the journey, and that much will follow the formal training program to help with successful implementation.
This phrase reassures participants that you’re not going to pull a vanishing act and leave them to their own devices after the formal training program has been completed. It is important for not only participants, but also managers and key stakeholders, to see you on the other side of the Level 2 — Level 3 bridge.
So what kinds of things can you do to keep yourself from disappearing? In practical terms, this can mean convening a focus group, sending out a survey, conducting a refresher session or offering a help desk. It can also be as simple as just stopping by to see how things are going. You might also consider ways that you can automate some of your follow-up.
The term “me” in the phrase “You haven’t seen the last of me” does not have to be personal, either. “Me” can and should represent others from L&D who will connect on a regular basis with supervisors. training graduates and stakeholders to gather feedback, encourage, refresh, monitor and adjust what is happening in the field in order to maximize performance and results.
And for any of you who can’t be there in person, just try the phrase “You haven’t heard the last of me.”
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