Thrive or Perish – Retool Your Training and Evaluation Strategy for 2020 and Beyond

World health concerns have changed the way people work and how they engage in training and development. So what does this mean for how we teach people and evaluate learning effectiveness? If you believe that simply adapting your training to a virtual format is enough, then you are on the path to perish.
Participate in this interactive program with Jim and Wendy Kirkpatrick, world leaders in training evaluation, and find out what you need to do now to be relevant. They will discuss the new, changing role of learning and development and what this means for how you spend your precious time, money, and resources.
During this program, you will learn how to maximize the value of remote training activities, such as e-learning, live online training, microlearning modules, and informal learning. You will also hear training evaluation principles that remain timeless.
Whether you are new to training or a seasoned veteran, retool your understanding and implementation of training evaluation with the timely takeaways from this session.
Click here to listen to the recording
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