Training Strategy Mistake #2: Misapplying Kirkpatrick’s Level 3: Behavior

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The second question asked about the most effective way to evaluate Level 3 Behavior. Read on to see how everyone responded, and what successful Level 3 evaluation really looks like.
The majority of respondents believe that the most effective way to evaluate Level 3 Behavior is to distribute a survey both to the training participants and to the supervisors of the training participants 90 days after training (49.35%).
While we are glad that only a small percentage of respondents (5.16%) selected distributing a survey to only the training participants 90 days after training to be the best method, we actually believe that the correct answer to this question is “none of the above,” as selected by 24.03% of respondents. We apologize to those who see this as an unfair answer choice; we were simply trying to emphasize that, even combined, these traditional methods of evaluating Level 3 Behavior fall far short of the true package you will need to evaluate this level effectively.
So what can you do to most effectively evaluate the behavior of training participants? Effort at Level 3 begins before the training program is developed. You must meet with stakeholders to collect information that will help you to ensure that your training program will prepare participants to perform the desired behaviors on the job.
A properly designed program with learning objectives that meet stakeholder requirements is not enough, though. Don’t fly blind after training by failing to monitor critical behaviors and leading indicators. Regular monitoring gives you the opportunity to identify barriers and make adjustments before the program is seen as a failure. Rather than just noting that on-the-job application is not occurring, you can help the participants to begin performing the learned behaviors even if they started off on the wrong foot.
Evaluating Level 3 is not as difficult or expensive as many believe. Commit to following these practical steps the next time you are tasked with a training mission.
Join us next week as we address Training Strategy Mistake #3: Not Being Truthful with Stakeholders.
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Additional Resources:
Kirkpatrick Four Levels® Evaluation Certification Program – Bronze Level
Transferring Learning to Behavior
Getting to Kirkpatrick® Levels 3 and 4: Creating Believable Value
Training Strategy Mistakes: Are You Making Them?
Training Strategy Mistake #1: Failing to Build Tactical and Strategic Bridges to the Business