30 Examples of Successful Kirkpatrick Model Implementation

Looking for a case study or two on how to successfully implement the Kirkpatrick Model?

We’ve created a Case Studies Guide to help people locate the perfect case study for their situation. Some of these case studies can be found in our books, while others are taught in our programs. They range across different topics and types of organizations. 

Click here to view our new Case Studies Guide

Click here to view the IU Healthcare case study. You must log in to view the case study, which is located in our Resources Library in the “Kirkpatrick White Papers” module.

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Additional Resources

Kirkpatrick Four Levels® Evaluation Certification Program – Bronze Level

Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels of Training Evaluation 

Have You Seen the New Additions to Our Resources Library?

Why Did the Army’s Maneuver Center Choose the Kirkpatrick Model for Their Training Program?