Achieving Training Evaluation Nirvana – Measurable Contribution to Top Organizational Goals

Eighty percent of training professionals believe that evaluating training results is important to their organization, according to the Association for Talent Development’s 2016 research report, “Evaluating Learning: Getting to Measurements That Matter.” However, only 35 percent are confident that their training evaluation efforts meet organizational business goals.

The dramatic disparity between what learning professionals believe the business wants and what they deliver has been a relatively invariable dilemma for decades. Countless articles, white papers, and programs address this issue and provide solutions that range from simple to complicated. So why does the problem still exist?

Two causes are frequently cited: lack of discipline surrounding evaluation and fear of evaluation among some professionals.

Here is how to address these causes.

For more in-depth information, pick up our latest book, Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels of Training Evaluation.

For all the tools and preparation you need to create and demonstrate organizational value, get Kirkpatrick certified. Click here for the schedule of upcoming programs and available discounts.